Tutorial 03 - Maps - DoomEdit basics (part 4) - MAXELL's HOME

ID-Tech4 » Tutorial 03 - Maps - DoomEdit basics

  1. In this step we will add necessary entity which is required for player spawning in the map. This entity name is “info_player_start” and it specifies place where the player spawns and the direction (angle) of his view in the map. So now place “info_player_start” entity in the first room – open right mouse button context menu and click on it (see Figure 24). If needed, adjust its position; it must be right above floor brush – no intersection (Figure 25). Set view direction of this spawn entity the same way as in previous static model case (Figure 26).

Figure 24
Figure 25

  1. In this final step, save your map and run “dmap” command, which will generate other required files for your Doom 3 map. This command can be found in the main menu of DoomEdit in the submenu “BSP > BSP” (see Figure 27). When command is finished, you can close DoomEdit and try the map in the game. So run Doom 3, open console and type “devmap YourMapName” and confirm it by hitting “Enter”. If everything is done properly, you should see loading screen and then you should spawn in your map (Figure 28). So be proud – enjoy your first own Doom 3 map.

Figure 26
Figure 27
Figure 28 - in-game screenshot of the map

Maps – summary of learnt information

After finishing this chapter we should be able to create at least simple Doom 3 maps. We have gone trough all essential and often used tools in DoomEdit. We can use Clipper tool, adjust edges and vertexes, add entities; we can adjust brushes and build rooms from them. But keep in mind that this editor has number of other tools and aspects that we purposely omitted.

All this learnt skills will be very useful in the next chapters. I recommend you to build own test map – one-roomed and well illuminated map is just fine. In this simple map you will tune and polish your custom materials, sound shaders and models...

Related article: Tutorial 04 - Materials

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