Tutorial 03 - Maps - DoomEdit basics (part 2) - MAXELL's HOME

ID-Tech4 » Tutorial 03 - Maps - DoomEdit basics

  1. Now we will show how to use a tool called "Clipper" which can cut and split brushes. Create a new brush within your room and cut off all its corners - this brush will be the foot of an obelisk, which will be used to practice different ways of brush editing. For cutting off corners, select your newly created brush and hit "X" key (this toggles Clipper tool, also you can do it by clicking the triangle icon on the right side of Hollow icon). When you are in clipper mode, click in the 2D view to define points of the cutting plane. Three points are needed to define a plane. However in most cases you will need to set just two of them. These two points defines cutting plane that is perpendicular to current 2D view (see Figure 9). The part highlighted in yellow indicates result after cutting. You can press "Ctrl + Enter" to switch resulting part. If you set your cutting plane and right resulting part, press "Enter" for applying it. When you want to keep both parts of that brush (just split it up), press "Shift + Enter" instead.

Figure 9
Figure 10

  1. Another way to adjust shape of brushes is edge and vertex editing. We will continue in building this rugged obelisk. Create new brush and press "E" - this enables edge editing mode. Now you can drag blue edge points and reshape the brush (Figure 10). If you want to edit vertexes in similar way, hit "V". Vertexes of the brush are represented by green points (Figure 11). In both mentioned modes you can edit points either in 2D or 3D view. Finish the obelisk (Figure 12).

Figure 11
Figure 12

  1. In this step we will try handling of textures. When you want to change brush texture, simply select (hold "Shift + left click" on the brush) requested brush and assign texture in Media Inspector. But if you want to assign texture only on certain sides of brush, you have to first select desired sides by holding "Ctrl + Shift" and left clicking on them, then assign texture as usual. Keep the sides selected and press "S", which opens up Surface editor (Figure 13). This editor is used to adjust texture mapping on the brushes/sides. For example hit "Fit" button, this will match the texture size with the brush side size. Used texture with its mapping properties can be copied and then applied on different brushes or its sides. To do this, you have to select source brush side first then for applying hold "Ctrl + Shift" and middle click on target brush side. Finish your texture work on the obelisk; next we will try to duplicate it. Select all brush parts of your obelisk and hit "Space bar", newly duplicated obelisk will appear right next to original. Place duplicated obelisk somewhere near to original; check correct placement in all views (Figure 14). Objects (brushes, entities) can be also copied by "Ctrl + C" and then pasted by "Ctrl + V".

Figure 13
Figure 14

  1. Once we have learned how to work with Clipper, adjust edges, vertexes and edit texture mapping, we can move on. Create another nearby room, and then connect these two rooms with corridor (see Figure 15). Use same steps for building this new room as in the case of the first one. You have to interconnect rooms with corridor by cutting door holes (use Clipper) in their walls (Figure 16). Don't forget to fill holes with small brush in the floor between the room and the corridor.

Figure 15
Figure 16

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