About me

Name: Martin Pezlar
Nickname: Maxell
Year of birth: 1984
ICQ: 96115350
Freelance. I work on an unannounced project.
Interests: 2D/3D computer graphics, animation, level design, games by ID Software, Raven Software and Splash Damage...

Quake 3 Arena by Maxell - This is name of my old site (2000 - 2003), which was dedicated particularly to Quake 3 Arena. I fixed it for current web-browsers and placed it on the internet. You can find useful things there even now (site is in Czech language!).
Banner HTML code:
Maxell recommends:
7-Zip, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, Altap Servant Salamander, OpenGL, Miranda IM, foobar2000, VLC media player, CCCP, FlashGet 1.9.6, xNormal, Crazybump, GtkRadiant 1.5.0, Notepad++, FileZilla