27.03.2010 16:34 English version of site
English version of this site has been launched. Majority of all texts is translated. But at the moment there isn’t still complete translation of id Tech 4 tutorials. You also might experience some bugs in this fresh dual-language version site, if so please let me know via guestbook or icq.
The site can detect your preferred language in browser. If you have as a default language Czech or Slovak, site will pop up in Czech version. If you have some other language, site will switch to English version. You can also manually switch between languages by clicking on flag icon placed in the site’s footer.
10.09.2009 22:39 Samota - preview
I added brief info, screenshots and video from my modification for Doom 3 named Samota. You can leave me your opinions on the mod in the guestbook. I also added video from the School map (for people who don’t have opportunity to try map in Quake 3 for themselves).
31.08.2009 23:01 id Tech 4 tutorials
For those interested in modding, I prepared a series of tutorials dealing with the id Tech 4 engine (also known as the Doom 3 engine). Step by step you can walk through all main areas of content creation for Doom 3. I tried to use the easiest and most comprehensible procedures in these tutorials. But keep in mind that these tutorials require working knowledge of 2D/3D graphics. You will learn more at the very beginning of the series.
11.04.2009 16:01 Doom 3 mod
In the present time, I’m working mainly on my final task at college to complete studies. This task belongs in the field of 3D modeling and animation. More specifically, it will be a short story modification for Doom 3. This mod will have new characters, models, animations, textures etc. Video with main character and short animation tests can be found on my YouTube channel.
19.02.2009 16:58 Ahh?! What?!... BETA! School BETA!
Finally, I tuned the School map for Quake 3 to my required level of quality. So now I can present you the beta version of the map with clear conscience.
I expect your reactions, whether positive or negative, for beta. If you won’t like anything, or you will find bug, don’t hesitate and contact me. For the School map download go to Quake 3 maps section.
12.01.2009 22:30 Doom 3 Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Work on School map for Quake 3 is almost over (a few new screenshots from debug map). At the same time I’m also working on the project for Doom 3. Screenshots of one of the new enemies – an aggressive zombie rooster infested by aliens xD – can be found in the gallery. Note that texture work for the rooster isn’t finished yet.
Quake 3 Arena by Maxell - This is name of my old site (2000 - 2003), which was dedicated particularly to Quake 3 Arena. I fixed it for current web-browsers and placed it on the internet. You can find useful things there even now (site is in Czech language!).
23.08.2008 00:27 My summer love
For some time I didn’t update site, but that doesn’t mean I have done nothing. The opposite is true. Over 5 last weeks I intensively worked on the School map for Quake 3 (map is based on my former high school). I enclosed a fresh screenshot, where you can see part on new environment. Like in the older Zastávka map also here you can look forward to secret places and other funky stuff… xD