Tutorial 03 - Maps - DoomEdit basics - MAXELL's HOME

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Maps - DoomEdit basics

First of all, we will learn how to work in the DoomEdit. DoomEdit is the main editor, in which we bring each element of the game world together. It is necessary to learn how to create at least simple one-room map. We will be using this map for testing of our created content in the engine. Essential information about Doom 3 maps and DoomEdit were presented in previous chapter, so in this chapter we will show practical demonstration how to make very simple map for Doom 3.

Note: Before starting, it is recommended to carefully study keyboard controls of DoomEdit. Detailed tables of keyboard shortcuts and their functions can be found in DoomEdit - Keyboard shortcuts article.

  1. Run DoomEdit. In the 2D view, press left mouse button and drag; it will create our first brush. For adjusting height of this brush you need to change 2D view; press "Ctrl + Tab". Left click near each side of the brush and drag; you can adjust brush dimensions as needed (Figure 1). When you work on brush in 2D view don't forget to check it also in 3D view (controlled using cursor keys and mouse - for details see keyboard shortcuts). Open the Media Inspector (Figure 2) and choose some texture (= material) to use it on the brush.
Figure 1
Figure 2

  1. With still selected brush, press "Hollow" icon in the toolbar (Figure 3). This command will turn your selected brush to "hollow box" of identical dimensions; this box is composed of six separate brushes - walls - the final thickness of the walls depends on actual grid size of 2D view during Hollow command (Figure 4).

Figure 3
Figure 4

  1. For clean and nice results, it is good habit to adjust six walls of the room to touch each other only by edges (see Figure 5 - fix default hollow command intersecting behavior). This can be done quickly by adjusting opposite pairs of walls. Hold "Shift" and left click on brushes to select them; to cancel selection hit "Escape".

Figure 5
Figure 6

  1. Change the texture of ceiling and floor (Figure 6) - use Media Inspector again. Then add light entity to this basic room. Press right mouse button in the 2D view somewhere where you want to create light. Right mouse menu with all kinds of game entities will pop up. Choose entity called "light" (Figure 7). The Light source in your room is represented by that small diamond-shaped object. Check if your light is roughly in the center of the room, if it isn't - switch between different 2D views and correct its position.

Figure 7
Figure 8

  1. If you select light you can see pink block around it - light radius. It shows space in which is selected light effective. This is very handy for quick view of light's power. The Stronger light is the bigger pink radius. Now edit properties of this light. Select the light and press "J" - it brings up Light editor (Figure 8). Input "Radius" value appropriate to your size of room. Then click on the color swatch to set up light color (this color palette can be also directly opened outside of the Light editor by pressing "K"). DoomEdit offers new feature that allows you to switch render modes of 3D view; you can see preview of lights/shadows, materials, models. rendered like in normal running game. You can toggle render modes by pressing "F3", sometimes you also have to hit "F7" to rebuild render data.

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