#239 :: Name: mdbonsall@gmail.com :: 29-08-2020 @ 19:42
I have been playing UT since around 2006. Now I am an Admin at LCDLC. I loaded mxl_school and LOVE it. Can I get your other UT maps too? Your stuff is genius!
I have been playing UT since around 2006. Now I am an Admin at LCDLC. I loaded mxl_school and LOVE it. Can I get your other UT maps too? Your stuff is genius!
#238 :: Name: LaoTzuBravo :: 02-07-2020 @ 21:53
please, Please, PLEASE...
...release a bot file for School!
One of the greatest maps of all time deserves a proper bot file for a truly great cat-and-mouse experience.
Regardless, thanks for all the effort it must have required to create such an excellent Quake Space.
...release a bot file for School!
One of the greatest maps of all time deserves a proper bot file for a truly great cat-and-mouse experience.
Regardless, thanks for all the effort it must have required to create such an excellent Quake Space.
#237 :: Name: CZghost :: 04-01-2020 @ 17:25
Nevím, zda máš moc práce, nebo už nemáš zájem nadále udržovat tento web. Ale prosím, alespoň se ozvi. Rád bych dokončil tvou mapu School, dal jí podporu botů, zakonzervoval ji a vložil do archivu ke stažení. Samozřejmě veškerý credit bych zachoval, nic nepřidával, neměnil, jen bych mapu optimalizoval, aby byla šetrnější k paměti a grafice, měla podporu botů, a do archivu jej vložil s tvým souhlasem. Divil by ses, kolik lidí stále hraje Quake 3! Dokonce i online! Dokonce jsou stále aktivní i tvůrci map a tvoří nový a nový content do dnes již 20 let staré hry.
#236 :: Name: danildm :: 12-10-2019 @ 11:46
Hi, the school map is very good, but the bots do not work.
#235 :: Name: Bill :: 01-03-2019 @ 20:39
I can't seem to ever jump into or near that fire that opens Spaceship door. Very cool ma though!
Thank you.
Thank you.